Monday, May 11, 2009

the internet and online communities tutorial six

in this weeks tutorial we looked at online communities, in this post I will be lookin into the online community of face book.

the web address is

the focus of this community is free accessing social networking website. Users can join under categories of city, workplace, school and region. users can connect and communicate with friends. users have the ability to add friends, change profiles and comment other friends facebooks.

the services provided on face book include your own profile page which is a space where you have the ability to notify friends about themselves. users have the ability to unpload photos and videos and send both private and public messages. a public message would show up on the persons profile, where everyone else can read it, however the private message is only able to be read by the person themselves. there is also a number of services where users are able to interact with these include

  • wall- is a space on every user's profile page that allows friends to post messages for the user to see also allows other friends to comment on other comments that have been posted
  • photos- users can upload albums and photos and attach name tags. Friends are also able to comment on photos and send them to their own profile.
  • Status- which allows users to inform their friends of their whereabouts and actions. A user's Wall is visible to anyone who is able to see that user's profile, depending on privacy settings you can make it fully private and prevent anyone looking at it. there is also the ablitity post attachments to the Wall
  • News feeds- appears on every user's homepage and highlights information including profile changes, upcoming events, and birthdays of the user's friend and friend suggestions where users who have friends in common with you are suggested to makes friends with
  • notifications- are things that have been sent form other facebook friends, often consisting of quizzes and activities. these are also when people have added you as a friend and you have the option to accept or decline the invitation.
  • chat- is the ability to have have a conversation with anyone of you friends who is one line by typing in the selected chat box.
  • communities- facebook offers the poetial to join groups and communities with other facebook users within the website itself. these can range from appreciation groups for characters in tv shows, food and much more
as stated above facebook is as interactive as you want it to be, and contributions can be made through comments, photos and videos.

I personally think that people choose to contribute to this community, because it is a way to communicate instantly and see photos of friend and family. As a member my self I contribute to this community so that people can see what i have been doing and keep in contact with friends through uploading photos, leaving comments and chatting online. facebook users primarily seek to keep in contact with friends, make new friends and find old ones. they want to see what they have been doing by looking at their photos and videos. and communicate to them by leaving comments and chatting to them on line. Also they want to tell all their friends what they have been doing, by editing their profile and uploading their own personal photos and videos.

The sorts of topics being discussed of face book primarily involve whats happening in their lives, social events, activities, what they are going ot do in the weekend, where the are going etc, its basically a big gossip community . people are constantly updating their profile as their life events change or occur and conversations between friend can last for week and weeks. then when other friend come online users are able to chat instantly.

the ethical issues that may arise within the use of face book includes
-users giving out too much personal information and the threat of sexual predators.
-data theft, or viruses that can get
-people can view peoples profile when they don’t want to and potentially stalk people
-identity theft, by people loggin in to others accounts.
-creation of fake identity and profiles, as a result people become misleaded.
-Other people can put photos and videos of you and tag your name without you permission or knowledge

however there are many benifits online community have over traditional notions of community, these include
-provide large amounts of infomation very quickly
-provides connections over great distances, and able to communicate with people with similar intrests
- allow for silent observation prior to participation
-individuals are able to have equal voice
-fast speed of infomation sharing
- able to moniter and regulate users

but there are still aspects that online communities lack in realtion to traditional communities.
- lack of face to face communication
- ther is potential for misuse and often delusions and reliace on vitural communities
- limted to the communication tools within the online community.
- not always valid infomation being shared
- only people with computers and intrernet are able to join the communities.

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